Family, Life

Things I do to cultivate authentic relationships

I've had a lot going on lately. We've been battling sickness, helping plan our church's Easter production, work a full-time outside of the home, raising two children with my amazing husband, and the list could go on and on.  In my home we call this a "season of life" and everyone's been there. A text from… Continue reading Things I do to cultivate authentic relationships


Post Christmas Toy Organization

Christmas is such a wonderful time, but after celebrating five times, the amount of new presents can be intimidating. This is my first year with two children (a three-year-old and an eight-month-old) during the holidays and they hit jackpot when it comes to presents. Following these simple steps, we've been able to avoid Christmas overwhelm. This task… Continue reading Post Christmas Toy Organization

Faith, Family, Life, Money

To the family who lost a job this holiday season

Dear family who lost a job this holiday season, I know your pain. My family has experienced job loss during the holiday season twice. Realize in this time of your life, God has a plan. For us it made us realize how thankful we were for the things we've been given. Finding a new job… Continue reading To the family who lost a job this holiday season